Since I last wrote a lot has changed, not only with me but with our wonderful country and world. We are in the midst (or maybe coming out of) the worst recession that this country has seen in quite some time and we have a new president. So much to talk about but today I guess I would like to talk about the changes that have been made in business since I started over 14 years ago.
I have never hid the fact that I am from the Northeast. As a matter of fact, I wear it on my sleeve most days as a badge of honor. People from this particular part of the country will know what I am talking about; whether you are from New York, Philly, Boston, Baltimore, or DC we show our pride through University affilition with our city of origin not far behind. This is not to say that everyone is not proud of where they came from, I just seem to notice that people from this part of country, not matter where they live now, still have their home city in them in some way. You take me out of New York but you can't take New York out of me...
Now with that out of way let me say that I always thought business was business. My current place of residence, University, and other things will remain anonymous but I will let you know that I have been in the office furniture business for 14 years. The last few years have taught me differently. I always chalked it up the recession, changes in the business climate because of downturn, and some other mitigating factors. I am here today to tell you that is all garbage.
After starting my own company at a very early age I learned about the business from the school of hard knocks; making mistakes, learning from them, and trying not repeat them allowed me to take a company started with just lil' 'ol me and turn it into a force in the industry with 20 employees. This makes me fully aware of what it takes to run a business, handling all aspects, whether in the light or behind the scenes. When I became a business owner which made me the highest level of management there is inside a company (since I had to be hands on) I quickly learned that there was certain things I did not have the right to do anymore. For instance, I did not have the right to walk away from a situation because I did not want to deal with it at that particular time because it is STILL an issue. If there is not resolution we can't just let our employees be thrown to wolves and allow of customers to be left in lurch with no answers. However, this seems to be common place in this business today which is not only completely unprofessional, unacceptable, and just utterly ridiculous but does nothing to help business progress.
By the way, quick lesson for all you business execs out there who are too cool for's an idea, stop eating into precious margin by always trying to be the lowest price and start trying to value prop yourself by providing good service. How about looking for quality of business over quantity. If I do less jobs at a higher margin will I not either come out the same or do better than someone who takes any job at crappy margins?
And another thing, stop hiring people who are only looking to draw a salary and get someone in the front door who wants to make a difference. Most (can't say all) but most of the execs in this office furniture business are either the worst hiring managers in the world or just completely inept at reading individuals during the interview process. They don't want anyone who is a perceived threat, who is outspoken, or has the fortitude to stand up for what they beleive is right because then they become the problem. When did it become wrong to look at something broken and try to fix it? Accountability has completely been removed from this business and our country on a whole. It's sad really...
Quick sports lesson for you as well. When you play sports it comes down to preparation and execution. When you practice you run plays until they are right and executed correctly. As an athlete you are taught from an early age that if something is wrong you fix it immediately before it causes more problems. Take note of this execs because you are failing miserably in this category.
The other thing that I learned was that you cannot deal with 2 different situations or people in the same manner. This is psychology 101 for those of you in this business who have no idea what I am talking about (and by the way, shame on you if you don't). If you have ever played sports you know where this is going but as a QB there are certain people you can grab by the facemask, bless out, and they will respond. Others will shut down by this treatment so you need understand the personalitlies you are dealing with on this type of PERSONAL (that's right, everything is personal people!) level. Another quick lesson for you...if you are going to preach a "team" atomosphere learn what a team is all about and put people in a position to lead that can do it and succeed. If you are going to be a team, have someone who can motivate and lead a team so that you get where you want to be in the end, otherwise you are the St. Louis Rams and you lose a whole lot more than you win.
Quick thought but was anyone else pissed off by the Wal Mart commercial where they talk about saving the public money with rollbacks by packing the trucks full and changing their routes to save gas??? Shouldn't you have been packing the trucks full since the beginning, and don't come to me with this holier than thou routine for changing the trucks routes. That should be part of your continous effort from day one to find the best processes for ultimate business optimization. Now that I vented about that...
Remember at the beginning of this thing when I told you about the recession and other factors being garbage? Let me elaborate of that for a minute...what I mean by that is not to say that they have no impact but for a company that is run well, has people put in a position to succeed by management, and has the right people in place to run a team (I believe a coach in the NFL would refer to this as being a leader of men) they felt very little impact from those types of things. Why? Because they focused on service; they didn't get the business in the door and not have the support staff to service the customer. They have repeat business because they care and fix issues when they arise not turn their back hoping it will go away. Although most times it does go away, and so does the customer. No issue, and no revenue from that customer either.
I am guessing you are asking yourself what is the point of the last paragraph? Here it is...every last thing someone has told you from a management perspective is an excuse that allows them to not take any responsibility for what they have done or in most cases not done. It's shameful, disgraceful, and is rotting the lifeblood of this country (small business, since the Obama Administration has forgotten that) from the inside out. They are taking one thing and calling it something else which is completely alleviating all responsibility for their actions and the actions of their people. It's not that our process is not working, it's because the business isn't's not that our management team is not leading like they should, it's that people just are not's all the blame game, passing the buck, however you want to say it and I can tell you there are some professionals at this game in the office furniture world.
Wait, I had another epiphany. How about if you step up, stop these types of games, and just take care of the customer. Since I am now on the customer side of things I want you to know that I see these games and as soon as I do I am looking for another company to do business with immediately. I am stuck in the middle of your garbage company politics and I do not have time for it at all. Figure it out, get the right people in the right positions, then maybe we will do some business.
Now, I am by no means the best exec in the world, the smartest and I am always learning. Maybe if a few of you in this business would take a step back, humble yourselves, and listen to the people you work with you would be in a better position and your company would too. However, I suspect that most of you don't care about the company as long as you are still collecting on your salary. So what if you aren't taking home the extra percentage for bonus, you still make more that just about everyone in the building and you have authority.
I am sure I will talk about this again in the future as it is a passion of mine; being in business for this long I know that I have a lot left to learn but I also know that a large percentage of it is common sense application of more formal training procedures. I just wish there was more common sense involved in this business because I met a lot of good people and really would have like to made it a lifelong career.
Take care and GOD Bless.
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